(function ($) { "use strict"; jQuery(document).ready(function () { swipers(); videoPopup(); videoHandler(); displayPeople(people); showAllPeople(); peoplePopup(); toggleClassMobile('.people-list__item'); animationWords('.animated-word-container .animated-word'); }); /** * Swiper sliders init */ function swipers() { // On Tablet and desktop if (window.innerWidth > 767) { const videosSwiper = new Swiper(".videos-swiper", { slidesPerView: 2, spaceBetween: 24, scrollbar: { el: ".videos-swiper .swiper-scrollbar", hide: false, draggable: true, }, navigation: { nextEl: ".videos-swiper .labas-nav-arrow-next", prevEl: ".videos-swiper .labas-nav-arrow-prev", } }); } }; /** * Handle lottie animations in page */ const lottieAnimations = () => { var animation = bodymovin.loadAnimation({ container: document.getElementById('tekstas'), // path: 'https://labas.lt/sites/default/files/landings/labiausiai-uz-tave/tekstas.json', path: './src/img/tekstas.json', renderer: 'svg', loop: true, autoplay: true, }); }; /** * Handle behavior of video popup */ const videoPopup = () => { var $iframe = $(".custom-popup").find('.js-videoIframe'); // Show popup $(".show-video").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const dataSRC = $(this).data("src"); console.log(dataSRC); // add iframe src in, starting the video $iframe.attr('src', dataSRC); // Open popup $("body, html").addClass("noscroll"); $("html").css("overflow", "hidden"); $(".custom-popup__overlay").fadeIn(300); $(".custom-popup").fadeIn(300); }); // Close popup $(".custom-popup__close, .custom-popup__overlay").click(function() { $("body, html").removeClass("noscroll"); $("html").css("overflow", "auto"); $(".custom-popup__overlay").fadeOut(300); $(".custom-popup").fadeOut(300); $iframe.removeAttr( "src" ) }); }; function videoHandler() { // poster frame click event $(document).on('click', '.js-videoPoster', function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $poster = $(this); var $wrapper = $poster.closest('.js-videoWrapper'); videoPlay($wrapper, $poster); }); } // play the targeted video (and hide the poster frame) function videoPlay($wrapper, $poster) { var $iframe = $wrapper.find('.js-videoIframe'); var src = $iframe.data('src'); // hide poster $poster.addClass('videoWrapperActive'); // add iframe src in, starting the video $iframe.attr('src', src); } /** * Display people html from json file */ const displayPeople = (people) => { shuffleArray(people); // Loop through the people array people.forEach(function(person, index) { let html = ''; // Generate HTML content for each person if (person.instagram !== null) { html = `


`; } else { html = `


`; } // Append the generated HTML to the container $('.people-list').append(html); //Constrain categories list height and add styling // if ($('.people-list__categories').eq(index).height() > 39) $('.people-list__categories').eq(index).addClass('limited'); }); }; /** * Display all people block from click */ const showAllPeople = () => { $('.show-all').on('click',function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).addClass('hidden'); $('.people-list').addClass('expanded'); $('.people-content__count').addClass('hidden'); $('.btn-landing.show-all-hide').removeClass('hidden'); }); $('.show-all-hide').on('click',function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).addClass('hidden'); $('.people-list').removeClass('expanded'); $('.people-content__count').removeClass('hidden'); $('.btn-landing.show-all').removeClass('hidden'); }); }; /** * Vote for nominee with ajax */ const peoplePopup = () => { $(document).on( 'click', '.show-popup', function (e) { e.preventDefault; const itemContainer = $(this).parent(); const itemEmail = itemContainer.attr('data-email'); const itemLink = itemContainer.attr('data-linkedin'); const itemDescription = itemContainer.attr('data-description'); const itemImage = itemContainer.find('.people-list__image').attr('src'); const itemName = itemContainer.find('.people-list__title').html(); const itemCategories = itemContainer.find('.people-list__categories').html(); console.log(itemLink); // set data $('.custom-popup-content__image img').attr('src', itemImage ); $('.custom-popup-content__image img').attr('alt', `Fotografija: ${itemName}`); $('.custom-popup-content-block__title').html(itemName); $('.custom-popup-content-block__categories').html(itemCategories); $('.custom-popup-content-block__description').html(itemDescription); $('.custom-popup-content-block p a').attr('href', `mailto:${itemEmail}`); $('.custom-popup-content-block p a').html(itemEmail); $('.custom-popup-content-block__btns .email').attr('href', `mailto:${itemEmail}`); if ( itemLink != 'false') { $('.custom-popup-content-block__btns .linked-in').removeClass('hidden'); $('.custom-popup-content-block__btns .linked-in').attr('href', itemLink); } else { $('.custom-popup-content-block__btns .linked-in').addClass('hidden'); } // Open popup $("body, html").addClass("noscroll"); $(".custom-popup__overlay").fadeIn(300); $(".custom-popup").fadeIn(300); }); // Close popup $(".custom-popup__close, .custom-popup__overlay").on( 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("body, html").removeClass("noscroll"); $(".custom-popup__overlay").fadeOut(300); $(".custom-popup").fadeOut(300); }); } /* Randomize array in-place using Durstenfeld shuffle algorithm */ const shuffleArray= (array) => { let currentIndex = array.length; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (currentIndex != 0) { // Pick a remaining element... let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex--; // And swap it with the current element. [array[currentIndex], array[randomIndex]] = [ array[randomIndex], array[currentIndex]]; } } /** * Toggle element class on click mobile */ const toggleClassMobile = (item) => { // On Mobile if (window.innerWidth <= 767) { $(item).on('click', function() { $(this).toggleClass('active'); }); } }; /** * Function for animating words */ const animationWords = (word) => { const words = document.querySelectorAll(word); const wordCount = words.length; const animationDuration = 1700; let currentIndex = 0; function updateClasses() { // Remove all transition classes words.forEach(word => { word.classList.remove("previous", "current", "next"); }); // Determine the indices for previous, current, and next const prevIndex = (currentIndex - 1 + wordCount) % wordCount; const nextIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % wordCount; // Update the class for each word words[prevIndex].classList.add("previous"); words[currentIndex].classList.add("current"); words[nextIndex].classList.add("next"); // Move to the next word currentIndex = nextIndex; } // Initialize the first set of classes updateClasses(); // Update classes animationDuration miliseconds; setInterval(updateClasses, animationDuration); }; })(jQuery);